Watch our "Getting Started" video.

If you would like to play on your own, with 3 bots, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the "Game Launchpad" under the Play menu
  2. Choose the "Play with Bots" option
  3. Next, choose the type of game you'd like to play:
    • "Just For Fun". The results of these games will not be recorded and will not affect your rating. You will be able to leave a game before the end without receiving a penalty. A great option for practicing or if you're new to the platform. You can also choose to enable the practice mode when playing Just for Fun games, and this will offer hand suggestions, etc.
    • "Official Game". Game results will be recorded on your Game Stats page and will affect your rating. Abandoning a game before the end will result in a penalty.
  4. Select the level of bots you wish to play against
    • Level 1: These are our simplest bots. They understand and play by the rules but, just like their human counterparts, they may not always make the wisest decisions. Perfect for beginners and beginner-intermediate players.
    • Level 2: These bots are smarter and will be more diligent in picking hands and will play defensively. Perfect for intermediate and intermediate-advanced players.
    • Level 3: These are our most advanced bots and they'll make use of many of the mah jongg strategies described in our strategy guide. These bots will challenge even the most advanced players.
  5. Next, click the "Launch Game" button.
  6. The game will launch in a new tab. 
  7. At this point, you will be asked whether you're open to receiving invitations to Live games (if you'd like to receive invitations to play with other members on the platform during your playing session, click "Yes", otherwise click "No").
  8. When you're ready to start playing, click "Start Game"