The first thing we recommend is to ensure that you thoroughly know the card. Check out the Exercise Room, on the Game Launchpad. This is a set of exercises to help practice the basics and learn the card faster (more info can be found here).

Another useful tool is our "Practice Mode" (select "Enable Practice Mode" under "Just-for-fun" bots game, on the game launchpad) . This mode will give you suggestions on what hand to play. For more information on the practice mode, check out this page.

We would also highly recommend the following:

  • Debbie Barnett's Beginner's Series on YouTube - 18 great videos to help you get up and running. Debbie also has excellent Skill Building videos - she has a "live" session every Wednesday evening, and these are recorded and can be watched anytime
  • Michelle Frizzell's Nitty-Gritty BASICS series also contains great information
  • Christine Blackford has fantastic videos available on her YouTube channel too

In these videos mentioned above, the teachers work through Charleston practice exercises and full games, and talk through their decision making.

Additionally, we have lots of resources to help players who are newer to American Mah Jongg. A few of these are listed below:

  • Once you've mastered the basics and are ready to up your game, take a look at our Strategy Guide

  • If you prefer to learn from books, we have some great American Mah Jongg book recommendations

  • If you’d like to watch online video tutorials, click here

Finally, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the game or our platform. We're always happy to help.